Dan Barnes

Love is Actions

I sit here and listen to a man sing that love is an action, not something said, even if said with passion.
It’s something that you show through what you do, not in the words that are said to you.
It’s not just in what you do, but in what you won’t do.
Love in actions, showing what that person really means to you.
So many say they love another, then they text and talk to others.
Love is much less what you say, it is really more what you do.
Little do you know, it really is how I do for you.
My actions are love, my inactions are love.
What I do is in thought of you, what I don’t do is out of respect and I stay true.
Why would someone be dishonest to someone they love? Why would someone do things that would be hurt if the other did even kind of?
If you are not true to me, then you are not true to you.
If you are not honest, then love is not what you do. I
stay true not for worries of what others might say or what they may think, I remain honest and true because I really do, really love you.
No matter how much it scares me to death, I admit that I love you, even if it were my last breath.
But let’s lay to rest all of the games, only honest love remains.
If you can’t do it for me, then you should set me free.
It would hurt more then you know, but at least then I could go. Go onto find someone to love me, hopefully half as much as I love thee and hopefully with nothing but honesty.

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