Dan Barnes

Love is a Pure and Raw Emotion

To Bre

Love is a pure and raw emotion.
It carries such power that it can both make one feel awesome and elated or it can make one fell broken and devastated.
You cannot control the emotion, love just happens.
Once it happens you are in for a ride, that ride and how it goes will all depend on whether or not the one you fall in love with reciprocates.
Far too often we fall in love with those that cannot love us back.
Sometimes we talk ourselves into giving those more time than it takes to realize that it’s not there.
It hurts, it’s painful. But! Having to end it and have your heart ripped out one last time might just be better than having it ripped out time after time.
I am guilty of this. I love hard. I give it everything that I have.
I completely hand my heart over, I offer myself to this thing called love. I give all of me to someone else.
I am the epitome of a cliché. This isn’t easy to admit.
I am usually so indifferent and unaffected by people.
But I risked it and I lived it.
I won’t regret it.
I will only miss it.
I will miss you.
I already miss you.


Written after a long talk with her, I was overwhelmed with ache.

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