In the harbor’s fog the dragon sle… As if drifting through a twilight… And it dreams so deep of another p… To pass the time of endless days. Yet, a kindled fire in an unknown…
There once was a Wizard of old (At least, that’s what I’ve been… That could change a something to a… A wolf to a goat or a lake to a mo… From bad --- to very good weather.
Each time the end and beginning co… When the Omega and the Alpha are… Each path you are on will have its… Then forever it will be wrapped in… They say the road of life has many…
The breezes carried the scent of h… To the nose, to the nostrils, of t… And she bounded for the trees, wit… Right past the cows and the sway-b… She dined with them, daily, near t…
There is someone’s sad song In each lonely heartache, There is some kind of beauty In a face stained with tears. There is someone for each one
Politics is not my favorite thing And candidates can leave me feelin… With the lesser of two evils, you… It’s like choosing, Elmer Fudd or… He says that he’s a business man,…
On a gray and dingy Cloud filled day Came a Rider of Storms On a reddish-brown Bay She has lightning in her quiver
Oh woe is me, I’m a Pine. You se… And Christmas is coming my way. Past years weren’t bad; I was lim… So I was spared, to live another… But last year’s weather was so muc…
Butterflies flutter near the leave… Their direction is altered by a wa… And the fallen leaves rustle, scur… Like the squirrels who gather what… It’s a daydreamer’s day, footloose…
There is a shadowy figure on the w… On this early Christmas morning And it moves with the stealth of… Darting and dashing, without warni… The mall is closed, it’s too late…
I lost my Muse the other day It just spread its wings and flew… And I’m not quite sure where it d… When it breached that vision of fa… It has left before but it came bac…
Along the fourth day of wisdom I found Chance She wasn’t someone that I really cared to know So I made excuses
On a mighty steed dressed for batt… Rode the Knight of a Thousand Ey… In a silver suite of armor fashion… From the lightning bolts within th… Then from the night came the Shad…
I understand your frustrations, I… Your in love and you want to be lo… And if I could help, I don’t know… 'cause you tried to build a fire w… Life is full of harsh realities
Oh shiny and versatile Crescent W… That hangs on my wall, near my wor… You have a hole, at one end, for h… Your designer was brilliant, he wa… My wrench is chrome plated