Tis the night of the Purple Rose When the Leopard seeks a place to… In the shepherd’s garden she finds… And into its branches she shall le… And into its branches she does lea…
What can I say about a Rainbow That has never been said before; Or the emotional wonder of a star… That array of lights on heaven’s d… How do I express a mountain breez…
The child of eight opens the refri… and while looking inside at the gr… she asks, “Mom-ma, are we poor?
Lying on the gravestones are the f… And the letters on the stones look… The dates set low on those stony s… And the largest letters spell the… As I look across the grounds, I s…
Too many walks in the park, dear… Yellow speckled freckles on fields… Autumn used her brush In a hurried rush Now Winter finds grays in which t…
The inspector found a flaw. It wasn’t the sort of thing others… But nonetheless, He was an inspector and it was a f… Just a non descriptive alignment g…
She says she always falls For the wrong kind And she has cried foolish tears For every one. “My choices will be different,
In the evening, in the twilight,… Of the coming of an age in parody Then I see another vision based o… But in the end, there is a song of… Scarlet red finds its way into my…
The whirlwind drifts across the snow like a dancer Stirring up confusion as it twirls The children chase along
On this Christmas night, When the full moon rose, I felt a chill From my head to my toes And deep in my heart
We are ripples On never ending lakes Like a crystal Too finely made, that breaks. We are mortal
There is a shadowy figure on the w… On this early Christmas morning And it moves with the stealth of… Darting and dashing, without warni… The mall is closed, it’s too late…
I decided to write a sad love poem… the usual kind, it would lack the… passion, emotion, love, tenderness… betrayal, moonlight, midnight, sta… dreams, remembrances, and longing.
There’s a wee little Bumper, A sidewalk toe-stumper, And he’s sitting like “Thumper” On the edge of a step. He knows where he’s head’n,
I think it was just before Winter When the change took her away. Yes— I think it was then, not sur… That Fall left the forest, to sta… She stepped from the trees for a m…