Dani Davis

Worth me

I’m not unworthy,
Of wants and needs.
Thoughts filling this head but bed riden i still lay.
Wondering why cruel men say,
the shit they say.
I’m not even passed it,
But ill climb over it.
Nails breaking as I try to,
Knees scraping.
Yet i’d still crawl to my freedom.
Bleeding but not beaten.
Cause i’m worth the love,
that no man gave whillingly.
I’m worthy a taste of pleasure,
on thick thighs of living lies.
Pretend that what lies between our tongue tied tender ever tightening  thighs was not an off limits taboo.
Me and my vulgar vulva, crazy clit and dripping wet mons venus
are worthy of all the love and lust.
Even if you dont understand the two.
Know you are more worthy,
You are worth so much more than men make of you.

Other works by Dani Davis...
