Dani Davis

Water bearer

How water is a powerful thing
Doesnt scare me even when the waves hit the shore and the tide crashes
Pulling pieces of land with it as is goes
How the rain hits off my window and leaks in the slate roof
The tin on the extension heard in each corner of this my home
How the puddles of water gather in the dings and dints of every path
The water making once fields of playing into mudslides
How the once quiet stream now a river flows
Just like I cry each night again
Cause I cant let go of all the hell I’ve been put through
And just like the cliffs I’m stuck too
Letting my tears pull off pieces of me
As I cling to the false hope that somehow it will settle and still
Somehow the water will be at peace again like life will
And soon I remember in the dark at 2.22am on a february night
That I too will be alright
Because it cant rain all the time
And when the sun rises I too will rise with it
To dry my tears and pull myself together like the sand at shore
Broken but still as beautiful
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