Dani Davis

Sometimes it’s more

Then a pet name

More then the loveless life
You turned to yet again
More then calling me a stupid bitch
More then murdering a man you just met
But more and more you push me away
More and more im starting to see
Clearly my eyes not blaring
I can make out the actual shadow behind the mask i once agreed to marry
And what would you do if you knew
A man offered to love me
Not just to lie with and fuck me
And what would you do to know I cared so left him where you dare not dare go
Knowing well he’d lose me if he tried
To snatch me from under your eyes
I love you means nothing when the barer of the words
Can’t see what love is
When the person you love turns on you
And blames you for the shit they do
And people are revolting against you
Yelling how can I stand it
And how strong I am
Knowing well I don’t take your addiction
Your sorry sad convinctions
To my overly done heart
It’s lucky I lost my idealistic view of love so long ago
It’s lucky I learned how to break my fall
Blow for blow I’ll defend
Myself yet again and agian
So stand up Viking of mine
Yelling a battle war cry
About how sad it makes you when I said bad things
Only I say but none of them
When you throw then instead at me
Remember lover
A shield maiden is more then you see
Iron surrounding a body so soft
Blood red with both anger and love
A warrior you might be
But I’m a goddess in a land of stupid heart robbing thieves
ride to Valhalla with me, or die alone in the streets

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