The highs and lows.
The biggest blows.
The have a go’s...
The addiction of the drugs mixing,
Inside your system.
Causing a zombie outbreak,
Leaving fuck ups and mistakes.
And what do the lovers in your life do?
Support that habit...
Letting you have it.
And typically,
Iv one sicking addiction!
That makes my body my soul....
Eats me up....Swallowed whole.
I’m addicted to you....
And I wish such things weren’t true.
But your the drug,
And so many know how I need you.
But should push you away!
Shouldn’t let you stay...
Should go cold turkey!
Cause to Stay on working...
On you... what you use to be....
Is some kinda artistry.
Like working on some woven tapestry?
You wound my soul....
Just build me up....
Please make me whole.
When the parts just don’t line up,
When will I see,
If you give but one fuck... about little old me.