Dani Davis

Diary of a dying girl

To all the lost souls
who fell feeling alone
I’m the shadow of regret's
protect yourself dying girl
with dick pic’s
and what if’s
with false friends
and fake nails
screaming give them hell
when all youj really wanna do is cry
fuck it, too
all you want is that person who says
“ i keep thinking about you”
to come and wipe away ugly tears
while you curl into a ball so tightly wound
like your fears
like your dreams dashed
when finally a doctor told you
your organs are failing
wouldnt it be nice to tell your family or maybe your old best friends
to have anyone here
who used to be there
when you come to you brutal end?
Half guessing it was suicide
from the scarified lines
making your body
time by time
line by line
lie by lie
you say everyone dies
but whats dying
when you never felt alive

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