You say that you got this gut feeling
This intuition telling u that things are breaking
Falling apart at the seam
And soon no longer it’s gonna be me
Me the one whom u no longer see
Afraid withdrawn and ashamed u say
That your suspicion be true
So for a split second you even regret it too
But what’s the point of regret
What’s the point of saying things u don’t mean
Like how much better your gonna be
How u finally see
That its me you know u mistreat
If only when push comes to shove
No u never miss a beat
And full circle back to those miserable days
God you forget so easily
This must be because I forgive you
Just as quick as u repent for me
So it seems it’s all up to me
And make the decision of a queen
Banish u from my life
My light
My sight
And make true your worst possible dreams...