Transcending Unraveler

When I Listen to Silence

Speaking up and
Shutting up
Finding a voice
Finding many voices
With tongues
attached to hearts
pulsating from chests
With ears and eyes
we experience
Another’s sameness
Our insecurities need
a point of reference
The lonely times
have to stop ending
in suicide
Open up and
Difficulties become
Understood atrocities
shaking rib cages apart
Multiple parts now
These pieces
aren’t broken
Just misplaced
It’s okay to not know
which place
they belong
Beat your clavicle
on my drum
of leather hide
taken from my back side
that time
I got too much sunshine
and wanted to share it
Make music with
damaged freedom
Vocal cords
like thunder storms
rocking sleepy brains
into some thing awake
We’ll braid our veins
together to make
Lanyards as keepsakes
and pass them out
to human faces
tired of mirrors
Catchment containers
of tears
will quench our thirst
as fears
leave us wanting more
from pulsating hearts
in chests
with ears, eyes, and tongues
learning to listen

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