I’ve been thinkin’ a lot about wha… “Used” is not a feeling... it implies blame to another for my… it’s a way of escaping the respons… and repressing the power I hold
It’s said, when you close your eye… you can see the ones you love. No matter how far away they are. True love doesn’t rest in the brai… it lives in the heart.
Thank you, la luna, for cleansing… for helping me take off my lenses… You give the greatest example of a… empowering me to learn from what i… Your ways are gentle yet profound,
Going further for longer periods o… —cheating perfection by allowing expectation to fall along the shores of suppos… a territory whose waters enslave r…
Creeping Creeping CREEPING through our minds! Dense fog
Why can’t we be human together? Because unchecked assumptions Because prejudice Because colonialism Because white supremacy
The experience of a poetry open mi… frees us from cultural restriction… enabling us to explore the human e… in a space of truth and vulnerability
There faces pass before me like th… All in need, longing for help. Crying out, directing their sorrow… Not because I’m at fault, but bec… and because I have so willingly ta…
The trees... They soak up the carbon dioxide I… as well as the inner turmoil I exp… They release oxygen for me to brea… as well as loving guidance for me…
Don’t trust the vision. It’s tainted with haves and have-n… possibilities lost with the percep… current reality obscured by lookin… the present moment thrown away
Whoa! Is this happening? Awareness of fear to the point of… Realizing limitations and their im… The mind can be a concrete wall
My target is the life hiding insid… The traumatized, the victims Who don't yet know they're survivo… Who walk around with an intense Mostly overwhelming sense of dread
When spirits are low and insecurit… Never doubt the power of the mind! my vices are nowhere to be found..… I inhale and pause, as I taste so… and feel color.
It feels like I’ve lived a lifeti… in a week. and this isn’t the first time. Time won’t stop to let me reconcile experience into being.
The sun shines through the window… Warmth from the closed off house b… I lay on my couch with a mind ever… each thought wrapping around each… Attaining limitlessness is all new…