Transcending Unraveler

Mother Earth

There’s a living entity whose sole purpose is to give,
providing the necessities for all things to live.
Our wants may be insatiable, but she doesn’t mind much,
for everything she offers comes from her deep reservoir of love:
Food, water, shelter, and air,
healing medicine when we need care.
Rays of sunshine when we’re feeling down;
the need for balance arises, we turn to the ground.
Sheets of rain to wash away our fears,
waves of heat to dry out our tears;
firmly rooted trees are there to listen,
bodies of water help us look within.
We find relief from the ocean’s waves
and solitude in rocky caves.
Mother Earth will provide until there’s nothing left,
to take without giving back is a foolish conquest.
Her gifts of life won’t last forever,
natural wonders are meant to be treasured.
A lack of gratitude for our generous planet
leads to devastation for all who inhabit.
We can’t destroy the earth, but as for the human species...
If we don’t learn respect, we’ll be shaken off like fleas.


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