for my mom
My mom is not dead, this was a writing prompt from a workshop I went to. It was great practice. I encourage you to try it: write a haiku about what you would say to a loved one while they are on their death bed.
I’ve been thinkin’ a lot about wha… “Used” is not a feeling... it implies blame to another for my… it’s a way of escaping the respons… and repressing the power I hold
The experience of a poetry open mi… frees us from cultural restriction… enabling us to explore the human e… in a space of truth and vulnerability
Can addiction to joy be compared to that of sadness? Can the lost little girl drink tea with the Hatter and all his Madne… If love is the nature of the soul,
I’m not that great at loving mysel… CORRECTION: I am learning the… How we speak to ourselves, our int… is so crucial to our self-worth. From these thoughts come the actio…
This is it. LIFE. The twists and the turns, the highs and the lows. For better or for worse.
Goddess: I’ve admired you from afar; intrigued by what my eyes see and how my heart feels.
She died and they viewed it as a t… Salvation was not hers. The real tragedy is their judgment as it limits them from seeing the life she lived;
Hi, this is the first time i’ve ta… Maybe i’m breaking the rules? (chuckles) i haven’t been too great at being… i will address you all more than o…
Earning my stripes and loving it. The mysteries in life can remain just that: unknown,
Little girl, you’re as pretty as a… Standing there all sheep and shy,… You’re a field of flowers of vario… here to inspire beauty and bring p… Let those bees stop by and pollina…
My target is the life hiding insid… The traumatized, the victims Who don't yet know they're survivo… Who walk around with an intense Mostly overwhelming sense of dread
I choose to use this moment of tim… I am stardust in human form. A miraculous, beautiful existence. My recent self-integration has led… A cosmic dance among various bodie…
Force, tremendous force and pressu… creating feelings of helplessness… And fear, paralyzing fear, trappin… I’ve become my own worst enemy, ag… Waves of heat flush my head as I…
Thank you, la luna, for cleansing… for helping me take off my lenses… You give the greatest example of a… empowering me to learn from what i… Your ways are gentle yet profound,
Dear Creation Force as Death Transformed, Hollow bones rattle songs in Your honor Overstuffed bugs hum