Transcending Unraveler

From Nowhere to Now Here

Nowhere, nowhere
I wanna go nowhere with you
Let’s be empty together
and fill our glasses with
the nothingness we share
Truth? or Dare?
Let’s have both
Dare to live our truth
Trusting in not knowing
Spillings of our hearts
Dropping from infinite stories
Soul-splattered pavement
Remnants of pathetic
I am the bystander
Stained with the leftovers of your fall
You got your spirit in my eye
Aye, aye
We’ll never be blind again
No matter how hard we try
Remember the squirrel
Who remembered Great Spirit
and made a deal with the Energy of Eagle?
That squirrel can fly!
I looked at a tree
Until the separation between
It’s roots, trunk, branches, and leaves
Became blurry
It was all tree
I am all me
We rest where wind is born
Now here, now here

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