a verb haiku
As a white female living in a colo… I don’t know what it’s like to step outside and fear for my life. Sure there’s being in the wrong pl…
Trapped in a fishbowl put on display for all to observe. Just keep swimming, back and forth… Most choose to ignore or worse, judge.
What terrifies me most is what I’m made of. A personal trauma-filled past and the accumulated karma of centuries of manipulation and d…
I’ve been thinkin’ a lot about wha… “Used” is not a feeling... it implies blame to another for my… it’s a way of escaping the respons… and repressing the power I hold
Scribbles Unintentional Manipulated Panic The classroom door slams shut. Silence makes the chair screech The American flag never looked so…
There’s so much to learn and so many teachers. This life is a never-ending equati… on the chalkboard of time. I am grateful for each and every e…
I, Ego Me, Genius They work together brilliantly When Ego’s not indulging In emotional addiction
Perhaps my greatest fear... the inability to unconditionally l… myself and others, including the world. Circumstances and situations
So many facets of the mind make li… we can be so alive and feel like w… we can be dying and feel so alive we can have calm surroundings and… we can live a midst violence and h…
Woke up with laughter there’s no sense chasing after what is not yet here. Sunspots on forest floors, tell me, Love, where is the door?
Going further for longer periods o… —cheating perfection by allowing expectation to fall along the shores of suppos… a territory whose waters enslave r…
Like fire I’ll spark passion within your hea… alive and bright! Like water I’ll rinse you of insecurity and f…
Oh, limiting mind, how I loathe thee... I make efforts, you show me inadequacy. Treading this desert in search of…
I was reaching for mustard and fel… It was viscerally exciting, want a… Did I finger you? No, you did not finger me. I imagine it’s like a squirrel’s s…
Your expressions flow down in a wa… Curiosity & apathy, love & hate; this existence of ours has the cap… and the ability to devastate. Extreme sensitivity is an indigo c…