Caricamento in corso...
Cory Garcia

The Moment That Never Was

A Duet

tonight i miss you
though i never knew you
tonight i recollect our story
though i have forgotten who we were
the day we said i do
and the days we didn’t
what were we thinking
all those thoughtless moments
what did we see in each other
blind to what was there all along
how did we arrive together
ever since that day departing
how i prayed on bended knee
how i preyed to be free
never to forget how much i loved you
failing to remember who was above you
that day and every day since
the moment that never was

-Meant to be a duet
-Reads top to bottom and bottom to top
-Every other line alternates the viewpoint/perspective of each lover in a relationship
-Can be read solo from one perspective/viewpoint as well if you so choose

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