Cory Garcia

Speck of Dust

Inspired by Sarah
Check out her work on this site

A Switch Poem
Read Top to Bottom then Bottom to Top

or is it
Hello Again
which is it
it’s so hard to say when we are spun on a wheel that is always moving to and from
our twisted fates cyclical in nature
you have held us captive for far to long
from the very moment we crawled out of our graves
the womb of oblivion
you are the fickle friend of the eternal
you believe you are mighty but you are blind
so blind as to not see the souls trapped in your wake
why can’t you pause
just once
for us
just once out of the endless moments you create
you know they call you an illusion
they say that you are powerless
if we can just move fast enough
what does that make us
what does that make me
just another toy for you to play with
in a never ending string of misfits
it has been said that he who can destroy a thing controls a thing
the day will come when I will claim my victory over you
yes the day will come when I am as immobile as this rock I stand upon
I will face you one last time as you pass over me and through me
on THAT DAY you will no longer have any power over me
on THAT DAY you truly will be an illusion
the only toy you will have to play with is the dust I’ve left behind

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