Caricamento in corso...
Cory Garcia

There SHE stood with PURPOSE

aka Queen Maab
note: channeling Dante
Play the song while reading

As I crossed the threshold of her door, which the perverted love of others disuses, thus making the crooked path look straight...

I cannot well repeat how I entered...

Yet there I found myself in her lair, with only slight hints of a palace bedroom and yet containing all of it’s trappings...

Laid out it was.. in a dungeon natural style... with uneven and unease of light...

While taking it all in I saw her...

There SHE stood at the rooms center and with PURPOSE...

She was clothed only with a crown
adorned by all things fitting a soul such as hers...

The crest of which was a testament to thought itself... thus conveying that should one attempt to climb it... they would find no rest...

The middle surely held the greatest pain... as if plying the legs of the spirit... before forcing the head inside... and sundering the soul...

Downward the lower third hung silently... writhing... speaking not a word... as it encircled and clasped around it’s vantage point...

There amongst the crown... descending downward... shaggy sided thick hair flowed to it’s frozen crust... Her hair a dense fog covering dark forest... where a careless traveler might become lost... yet still promising a place of solace and rest...

Her eyes were mischievous... in an amused delighted and inviting way... but gave away little as to the thoughts behind them... those dark hemispheres were indeed darkening into night... far off... distant... and beckoning me to join them...

Her lips were like the wind for which there is no shelter.... where others are prone to lying... her lips stand erect... a fitting monument to the spoken word... be it a gentle breeze... or a tempest... they held me there... as unmovable as a statue... had her lips parted... or uttered the slightest sound... I would have surely crumbled...

Her teeth behind smile were expertly wrapped... as if mocking and teasingly tormenting the promise of more than a nibble... Instinctively I knew her biting much like clawing would break my spine... leaving me helpless as those daggers stripped me of everything... until only my skin remained...

Her chin so proud it was in it’s a ability to tickle tears from even the most stoic of travelers... so sure it was of it’s own strength... pristine... though it still echoed of the blood that could be found there... if her mouth had its way...

Downward I looked and I beheld her shoulders... blanketed in the rays of heavenly realms... their light dancing across her skin as if even they were enraptured by her... paying tribute by ceaseless kissing of her flesh... yet she remained unphased by the lights attention. .. her shoulders set... as my eyes took in the scene before me...

Underneath came forth two mighty wings joined below the middle point of either shoulder... they were skinned not with feather but from the flesh of those she devoured... these wings I am sure have sailed such vast spaces that no travelor could ever boast to have covered... Opened wide they were as if grappling both time and space... promising that no more fitting a resting place could be found in all of creation...

My eyes did fall then to her sides descending as if being drawn downward... but they remained held fast... teasingly she held my gaze with hers... not allowing my eyes to go any further...

This creature... whose beauty resonated a status befitting her nature... whose semblance cannot be denied by anyone who has heard of her exploits... proudly... welcomingly... and amusingly...  stood there...  reaching out to me as my raspy voice unbidden declared... “Queen Maab”...

This is how I found her as I entered her lair... all other thoughts stopped.. frozen I was... and powerless... as language itself proved insufficient to convey what I felt... my thoughts shouting... Behold this is she who with fortitude sustains... arm thyself traveler... less ye be destroyed by your own impurity...

Then I as if pulling away from the abyss... guided only by my labour and hard-drawn breath drew back...

Let other more stolid travelers who cannot see with my eyes speak what they will... but they cannot understand what it is I saw when I beheld her beauty... nor the release I found as I fell backward through her chambers opening...

Rising up to my feet... the difficult path was before me... the way was long and the sun was quickly returning... I grabbed fast hold of the stairs as I departed... panting and fatigued with each outstretched step guiding me away...

As I exited... thus deprived... returning to the mortal realm... where timid hearts are safe... and in it’s safety I wondered... how great must be the whole of that creature... for surely even in silence... it’s every part... confirmed its nature...

Letting out a sigh... I was relieved... for I knew if I were to have lost control... for even the briefest moment... given in to my nature and thus attempted to turn her head... by grappled hair... as one who mounts...  to Hell I would be returning... never to be seen again...

So with quill in hand... and with fear in verse... I put words in place of feelings...

and thus putting an end to the journey...

For any who read this... heed the lesson...

There is art beyond the center where I grasped...

It is the worm that mines the world...

Now I beneath the hemisphere of art... which overhanging a vast dry land.. act merely as a ferryman... coming to carry you to the coup of little deaths... and slumber...

My tales maketh stairways... transcending beneath the heavens... to a land that welcomes you... bidding you to emerge from fear... removing the veil... and guiding you to the hidden road... that once entered... returns you to the bright world... where you are safe to explore... and... when ready... I will safely return you... to the now...

Take heed though dear travelers... for I have no care for rest... the beauty I take through mine own round apertures... will continue to be declared as I behold the beauteous things born of creation...

they will most assuredly be given voice...


and again...

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