Cory Garcia


Inspired by Keliy Nicolaites Kese
check out her work on this site

i feel sometimes like a raindrop falling
into an ocean whose salty tides carry it awhile
before returning it to the sky once again
as if my entire existence moves in response to celestial forces
feeling the effects of the moon and sun as they exert themselves
in an effort to conform en masse by weight of their gravity and situation
feeling pulled and pushed by the inner change of nature
working into and onto itself in its frantic need to reinvent
ever changing ever the same
i feel sometimes like a raindrop falling
not knowing if i am the bitter tear of creations continuous efforts
or the bead of sweat fallen from the brow of the creator
either way i find myself filling forms and pooling
as time swallows me
i find myself
in the current
where will it spit me out this time
before drinking me in again

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