As evening falls, And the yellow lights leap one by… Along high walls; And along black streets that glist… The muted city seems
One, where the pale sea foamed at… With wave upon slowly shattering w… Turned to the city of towers as ev… And slowly walked by the darkening… And saw how the towers darkened ag…
Music I heard with you was more t… And bread I broke with you was mo… Now that I am without you, all is… All that was once so beautiful is… Your hands once touched this table…
She rose among us where we lay. She wept, we put our work away. She chilled our laughter, stilled… And spread a silence there. And darkness shot across the sky,
The sun goes down in a cold pale f… The trees grow dark: the shadows l… And lights wink out through the wi… A clamor of frosty sirens mourns a… Pale slate-grey clouds whirl up fr…
Goya drew a pig on a wall. The five-year-old hairdresser’s so… Saw, graved on a silver tray, The lion; and sunsets were begun. Goya smelt the bull-fight blood.
The lamp-lit page is turned, the d… The music changes tone, you wake,… Deep worlds you lived before, deep… Of leaf on falling leaf, music on… Rain and sorrow and wind and dust…
Let me not shrink at sight of deat… Nor waste in grief an idle breath.… You whom I loved are one with cla… The brightness in your eyes is gon… I shall not meet your face to-day;
Senlin sits before us, and we see… He smokes his pipe before us, and… Is he small, with reddish hair, Does he light his pipe with medita… And a pointed flame reflected in b…
The music of the morning is red an… Snow lies against the walls; And on the sloping roof in the yel… Pigeons huddle against the wind. The music of evening is attenuated…
What shall we talk of? Li Po?… You narrow your long dark eyes to… You smile a little. . . .Outside,… I walk alone in a forest of ghostl… Your pale hands rest palm downward…
Snow falls. The sky is grey, and… With purple lights in the canyoned… The fiery sign on the dark tower w… The trodden grass in the park is c… The streets grow silent beneath ou…
The half-shut doors through which… Are softly closed. Horns mutter d… The stars wheel out, the night gro… Darkness settles upon us; a Vague… Drowsily teases at the drowsy brai…
It is night time, and cold, and sn… And no wind grieves the walls. In the small world of light around… A swarm of snowflakes falls and fa… The street grows silent. The last…
Now the great wheel of darkness an… Whirs and whirls in the heavens wi… Against the ice-white wall of ligh… Skeleton trees bow down in a strea… Leaves, black leaves and smoke, ar…