June 15th, 2023 Step back
My vision clouds with these tears Tears made from our memories Maybe one day the they will stop Or I won’t feel them anymore
Rest your head on my shoulder When you’re feeling tired Let me sing of your praises When you need to be inspired Bend my ear to your lips
I want to walk away I want this hope to stay I’m twisted and torn My promise, I’m sworn To see you again someday
The only fitting punishment The Gods could conspire To make us pay for our transgressions against the… You stole the stars from their sky
Long-lost souls unite, Tears of joy in heartfelt hugs, Reunion’s embrace.
I see you Stars have gone from your eyes int… The warmth of the sun feels so fam… In the drops of rain I can hear y… Letting my tears blend with each d…
My hands grow weaker This hold I will prolong My legs shake and quiver But still I’ll stand strong My mind is chaos
Help me to understand it Help open up my eyes I’m trying to move past it But I can’t seem to see why When we’re together
There once was a man from Frederi… Who lost sight of his worth and me… But along she came, Then left just the same, And now his heart feels asymmetric…
Like a tower of crystal glasses My hope stacks higher Waiting to come crashing down And lacerate my heart below A thousand tiny shards
Waste my time Or break my heart You don’t get both
You were the light of my life So tell me why You decided to burn it to cinders And leave me in darkness
To Love is to abandon All rational and logic To act out of character And find depth within yourself To love is to put your wants
This hope A cold burning A flame made of shadow Fueled by need and fueled by desir… Goes out
When we met You found me At my worst When we loved Time stood still