July 13th, 2023
Like a tower of crystal glasses My hope stacks higher Waiting to come crashing down And lacerate my heart below A thousand tiny shards
If you told me To lay down my arms I would raise my shields Yet I surrender If you warned me
In the depths of heartbreak’s icy… Where tears flow freely, leaving t… A soul finds solace in longing’s b… Aching for a love it hopes to rega… The echoes of laughter, once share…
Most people drain me But you are not most people You recharge my soul
Because you brighten my day Even when the sun’s shining When I’m feeling down & fret You’re my silver lining Your warmth is like a buffet
Hello my Darling, how are you? How was your day? What can I do? Hello my Love,
When we met You found me At my worst When we loved Time stood still
This noose of hope Around my neck A memory rope Myself I wreck I cannot leave
I mourn not for what we had, I mourn for a future lost. A foundation laid of promises, Promises that now seem so easily b… I cry not for this loneliness,
You Your Your voice Echoes ghostly In the halls of my memories
My self deprecation Are humbling jokes As to starve my ego Not a reflection of self hatred My sense of self
Rest your head on my shoulder When you’re feeling tired Let me sing of your praises When you need to be inspired Bend my ear to your lips
My hands grow weaker This hold I will prolong My legs shake and quiver But still I’ll stand strong My mind is chaos
As the waves crash along the shore Which seems so far away, I ask myself; Why do I swim? Pushed from a ship
I pray you don’t find These words of pain from my heart I’m broken right now