Thicc Boi Poetry


June 14th, 2023

The only fitting punishment
The Gods could conspire
To make us pay
for our transgressions against them
You stole the stars from their sky
You put them in your eyes
Now when ever I gaze into the night
I gaze into you once again
You stole the warmth of their Sun
You put it into your embrace
Now when the sun shines bright
I feel you once again
You stole the wind from their air
You filled it with your promises
Now with every breeze
I hear your voice once again
You stole the tears from their clouds
You made them yours
Now every time it rains
We cry together once again
You stole the beauty of their Creation
You greeted me every morning
Now every time I walk in nature
I can see you once again
You took their pleasant scents
You made them uniquely yours
Now every time I take a deep breath
My soul is comforted once again
You stole the pull from their gravity
You put it into your being
Now whenever I begin to walk away
I’m drawn to you once again
You stole the fire from their Mountain peak
You put its light into your soul
And now when I try to move ahead
I’m mesmerized by you once again
We selfishly took from the Gods for ourselves
What they value most of what they made
They and Fate intervened to punish us
By bringing us together in the first place

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