June 14th, 2023
You Your Your voice Echoes ghostly In the halls of my memories
Were your reasons true? Were they for me or for you? Was there really nothing we could… I wonder. Why was it easier to hide?
Rest your head on my shoulder When you’re feeling tired Let me sing of your praises When you need to be inspired Bend my ear to your lips
What I mistook for your warmth I now realize was actually a freez… You found me, built me up Then destroyed me You claim to care about me
It’s not the familiarity It’s not the loneliness It’s not the memories It’s not the safety It’s not the comfortability
I mourn not for what we had, I mourn for a future lost. A foundation laid of promises, Promises that now seem so easily b… I cry not for this loneliness,
The longer I wait for you The more I prolong this pain The longer you wait to speak The more distant I become The more I heal
There once was a man from Frederi… Who lost sight of his worth and me… But along she came, Then left just the same, And now his heart feels asymmetric…
Long-lost souls unite, Tears of joy in heartfelt hugs, Reunion’s embrace.
This noose of hope Around my neck A memory rope Myself I wreck I cannot leave
I wish that these words No longer reflect my pain But my devotion
When we met You found me At my worst When we loved Time stood still
Like a tower of crystal glasses My hope stacks higher Waiting to come crashing down And lacerate my heart below A thousand tiny shards
It would be easier If I could hate you If you had so utterly decimated me That I couldn’t stand again It would be easier
One day I hope your love Will reunite with mine Or so I tell myself because It won’t