June 28, 2023
You were the light of my life So tell me why You decided to burn it to cinders And leave me in darkness
I cut this final cord. So why do I still feel bound? Oh, another cord.
One day I hope your love Will reunite with mine Or so I tell myself because It won’t
This noose of hope Around my neck A memory rope Myself I wreck I cannot leave
To Love is to abandon All rational and logic To act out of character And find depth within yourself To love is to put your wants
Adrift in the abyss Dappled with distant lights Imagination connects the dots To make sense of this predicament I was anchored on the satellite
Rain & sun Flowers bloom Spring has sprung Fading the gloom In summers heat
Rest your head on my shoulder When you’re feeling tired Let me sing of your praises When you need to be inspired Bend my ear to your lips
It would be easier If I could hate you If you had so utterly decimated me That I couldn’t stand again It would be easier
The only fitting punishment The Gods could conspire To make us pay for our transgressions against the… You stole the stars from their sky
Hello my Darling, how are you? How was your day? What can I do? Hello my Love,
This bed is too big I have too much space These blankets are too much Engulfing me, but I still shiver I have too much food
It’s easy to tell someone, “Just move on”, When you weren’t the one In their shoes. It’s easy to tell someone,
I drank you in Like a fish Gasping for water Little did I know You were a shark
My vision clouds with these tears Tears made from our memories Maybe one day the they will stop Or I won’t feel them anymore