Thicc Boi Poetry


June 17th, 2023

Do not assume these words of hurt
Are directed at you
I have bared to you my heart and soul
Yet our words remained withheld
Do not assume these words of pain
To be venomous expulsions
This heart torn asunder knows not how else
To grieve of memories never to be made
Do not assume these words of sorrow
Reflect the here and now
The journey of love is filled with ups and downs
Of unspoken past, present and futures
Do not assume these words of anguish
Speak for me as a whole
This time and space between us has torn a rift
I want nothing more than to repair
Do not assume these words of hope
To be a sign of things to come
I wish for us to be reunite
As strangers once again
Do not assume these words of love
Will always be words of joy
Love is joy, hope, sorrow
Love is pain, hurt, balance
Do not assume my words of confusion
To be leaving you behind
I leave the door open for you to join me
But I must know when to keep moving forward
Do not assume my words of comfort
To be words etched in stone
We once made these promises to one another
But I’ve learned to choose my words with care

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