A Nonet form of Poetry
NOTHINGNESS I’ve felt the sadness bewildered i… Engulfing the light trenches into… Lightly visible, wrapped dimly wit… With the silent losing breath puls…
HEARTACHES Rains comes without call it shattered dreams without knowin… like the tears that hides at rains it drops but you have not seen.
FALLING LEAVES Autumn leaves were falling Where shall you go on your flight Swirled by wind, scattered in the… From the beauty you beheld, now yo…
WORDS of LOVE I write you a poem with words of l… That will bring you in our haven a… When twilight dances to glance the… Angels will be singing a lullaby w…
LIFE IS LIKE A WEATHER The bluish white Empyrean looks s… When the wind changes its mood blo… And felt Gelid of sudden weather… Afar, I look around nothing I saw…
THANK YOU, I HAVE YOU Thank you sweetheart that everytim… Everytime I feel my breathing, I… Everytime I dreamt of joy... I have you to show that happiness
Without You You are the greatest thing ever happen in my life .... How could I live life with joy How can I enjoy the sun rays
FOOTPRINTS The silent waves captured my footp… Gazing its relentless swaying like… The sounds of the waves enchant li… Healing my soul from the lost dark…
YOU FORGET THE LOVE Your heart was falling out of love… Like flower that blooms in spring… The fragrance was losing when zeph… Your care and tenderness was gone
You and I with One Love Feel the love, shouts my heart Graven image, memories that tells Our love can’t compare even how wi… or how bright is the moon whose li…
IF THERE’S NO TOMORROW The abyss of dream is waking up to… And you’ll find sunshine never ris… Yearning the hope conquest truth… The future never tells of life’s u…
CLOUDS Beautiful clear blue thin sky I wish i could be like clouds to s… Wanting to reach those birds flyin… If i were a cloud i will not let d…
THE OAK LEAF I smell the oak leaf Like leaving a memory of grief It tells the story of time we have… Like an oak tree that stronger it…
MY DIARY Our memories are so precious Rune in pages of my diary, i wrot… Each day, i memorize everything we… Our whispering sweet love words