Concepcion Macuto


Your Love is written in My Heart

Our memories are so precious
Rune  in pages of my diary, i wrote it graciously
Each day, i memorize everything we did.
Our whispering sweet love words
The scene of our romance
I portray it so vividly,  remark it every single moment on it.
If the words “ i love you” were writen in the seashore sand,
It could be vanished by waves as it plashes on
In the moment when i am with you i cherish it into my heart
That i could write it in my diary
As the days when you were gone
I will keep on reading the beautiful memories that we have.
The fragrance of those moments will always be an aroma of joy
Again and again .... You are  just right behind me when I slip and open my Diary
© Concepcion Gurieza Macuto

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