Concepcion Macuto


Rains comes without call
it shattered dreams without knowing
like the tears that hides at rains
it drops but you have not seen.
My heart was stabbed of many pain
You have not seen and felt the wound
Rapture the blood inside like rain
It mourns a thousand cries
like the wolf that lost his love at night.
Why you left me in solitude
without songs of goodbyes
Broken into pieces, subdued and lost
Can you mend my heart?
can you give back the love?
What have you done?
The rain keeps on pouring,  my tears didn’t stop
Thus heartaches kills ny soul
You steal my heart, crazy of your love
Broken promises, Broken heart
These were all ache of storms
Strikes the lightning, give me death
For I wish to be in grave
Without your love, without you.
Concepción  Macuto

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