The Author’s Thoughts:
Ever since Eve coquettishly tempted and quite obviously as well most skilfully and successfully managed to get a massively turned on Adam, evidently and passionately stimulated by what she was physically doing to herself, to sumptuously, quite pleasurably for both of them and, as a by-product of her expert seduction technique on Adam but equally in that intimate process between them set off a sort of procreative chain reaction which subsequently led to generations of human beings, and the same goes for every one of us who’re currently here, being born with more or less the same distinctive inclinations, to greedily eat her apple – incidentally the first recorded account of cunnilingus in the history of human kind – among many other things which Adam gratifyingly did to Eve and ecstatically relieved the sexual cravings of both of them on that auspicious occasion at the dawn of humanity, generations of their human descendants have in one way or another tried to emulate them.
To say they’ve all been pleasurably successful in their enterprise would be a gross overstatement, since as a consequence of the very personal nature of their individual activities trying to glean the unvarnished truth about these would, to put it mildly, be a massive and unrewarding enterprise, as the truth factor couldn’t reliably be depended upon. So instead rampant speculation takes its place and anecdotal evidence becomes the basic framework on which subjective judgements are made. However, whether the real truth does emerge or not what really matters is how each individual in effect adjudicates on his or her own sexual leanings or involvement, and with whom. What terms we choose to either individually or collectively apply to those sexual yearnings: lust, sowing one’s wild oats, abstinence, promiscuity, celibacy or even the general and amorphous one of love.
And who’s to say which of these terminologies or among the several others not listed here that one has the right to apply to him or her when it specifically, directly, individually and even uniquely affects just them? After all it’s their personal life; and as long as they’re unquestionably a compos mentis and consenting adult legitimately doing what they opt to, what business is it of anyone else judgementally, other than with the person with whom they’re personally, physically or emotionally involved? Is that love? Your guess is as good as mine unless it personally affects you!