Author’s Remarks:
Racism of every sort is a consummately pernicious and invasive evil beloved of, actively promoted by and liberally indulged in either overtly or more commonly cowardly and therefore clandestinely by those who’re infected by and what’s more are also deeply ingrained with a wholly insupportable and when objectively scrutinized found to be wanting in every regard notion of what in their thoroughly twisted and utterly delusional state of mind they nevertheless obsessively regard as their inherent, inalienable, continuous and unchallengeable right to what in their distinctively madcap interpretation, exceptionalism exclusively means to them.
And moreover how it can and must in all fairness to themselves be employed to negatively impact on every single one of those whom they gratuitously despise and in whatever way they can derogatorily categorize - noticeably and conveniently overlooking their own inured penchant for and multiple acts of diverse criminality – and additionally deride as being unquestionably inferior to them.
All this with skin colour and purportedly untainted racial origin on their part – an even if the latter were true both of which ironically they had no part to play in nor could they personally or in any way have done – being the dominant and determining factors in this purblind stupid and vilely ludicrous assumption of theirs as to who they are and therefore must categorically be always regarded as by everyone else. Well there you have it and to which I happily say: “Humour them if you want to but I shan’t as frankly it’s not my cup of tea!”