For all the workshy!
By Stanley Collymore Quite seriously what on earth inex… supposedly ordinary individuals an… well large numbers of people to wa… apparent commonsensical notions of…
By Stanley Collymore Respect must be earned, I honestl… believe, and doesn’t automatically come, something I don’t, nor will I ever accept, with one’s implemen…
By Stanley Collymore A rabidly adulterous tart and her equally so unemployed, effectively, rather alcoholic but unwarrantedly, privileged husb…
There are none more dangerous than those that delusionally believe they’re infinitely more clever than everyone else, when effectively their rather rampant stupidity and abysmal ignoran...
By Stanley Collymore To all those very sycophantic, monarchical brownnosers clearly bemoaning and publicly too, vitriolically castig…
By Stanley Collymore Kate now openly, shamelessly and obsessively doing the Meghan Markle thing of hugging people willy-nilly, exc…
By Stanley Collymore These Blackwater lowlifes should have been rather legally and summarily executed, if one were
By Stanley Collymore What a total waste of space; an absolute freak of nature; and quite supposedly a human element of Homo sapiens, this whol…
By Stanley Collymore What’s the actual difference betwe… Reich and its allies did, and the… during World War II and the atti… by these Khazar-Yiddish fake “Jew…
By Stanley Collymore The Ship of Life has only one destination— the Port of Death!
By Stanley Collymore Personally I prefer to call and always think of you as Diana Junior, but in purposely using the name Lilibet
By Stanley Collymore Love isn’t a commodity that can be… or bargained for, and were that to… would immediately cease to be love… instead become something that’s wh…
By Stanley Collymore For those of you genuinely in love… lovingly and successfully being ab… mutually share your combined lives… constructively loving partnership…
By Stanley Collymore I must be in love, for after you’d… reaching out and cuddling the pill… you’d laid your head upon; which I… embarked on doing before and objec…
By Stanley Collymore Another important date in the cale… much cherished life is here richly… family members, neighbours, depend… friends, well-known acquaintances…