
Why is it only white westerners that don’t seem to know what a woman is?

By Stanley Collymore
It’s a biological reality to state that
only women menstruate and it’s
regardless of how they either
describe or specifically set about actually
identiflying themselves! So consequently
it’s rabid madness to obviously get sued
for crucially making a statement of fact.
Menstruation: simply applicable only to
women, is quite undoubtedly related to
ovulation, which significantly, basically
means, that ovaries are really naturally
required for this rather unquestionably
biological process, that distinctively is
exclusively, very discernibly, restricted
to one gender only; and that’s actually
the female one! Simply not effectively
the same thing naturally as cherished
beliefs; and thus, carry greater weight
intelligently as well as quite obviously
in terms of their significant, credibility.
Although Santa Claus and his surfeit
of followers might naturally disagree.
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
20 March 2024.

Author's Remarks:
This legal action should really be obviously easy to sort out in court. Effectively, simply ask the unquestionably asininely aggrieved complainant and their distinctly mercenary legal team to produce a gender reassigned woman or a man who literally identifies as a woman to produce DNA proven evidence of either or both of them ovulating or ever having done so. It's not rocket science of what the indisputable result will be!


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