
We hate you Meghan and Harry but it’s an obsession that hugely pays off financially!

By Stanley Collymore
What’s the odds that on the 7
June 2024, the actual day of
Hugh Grosvenor and very
specifically, Olivia Henson’s marriage
the Daily Mail will very undoubtedly
run a plethora of continuous stories
on Harry and Meghan basically not
being there! Snubbed, and likewise
equally also ignored, will generally
undoubtedly, be the two, distinctly
choice, headline words, which will
be employed, rather so than these
media outlets really concentrating
as well as reporting on the actual
wedding. In actual effect do trust
me! As rather basically, the Daily
Mail, other likeminded rags, also
coupled, with the extreme racist
media will simply unashamedly,
while clearly using the wedding
falsely as their pretence handle,
nevertheless prioritize the clear
distinctly obvious, non-event of
Harry and Meghan’s effectively
unquestionably readily actually
known absence, over the same
wedding itself; simply because
their very names alone attract
greater interest, and distinctly
undoubtedly as well as rather
self-evidently, those requisite
clickbait that all populist rags
like the Daily Mail truly need.
And even with William present
at this wedding along possibly
too with Charles and Camilla,
any absence of a literally, concerted
mention of Meghan and Harry quite
pertinent to the stories which these
rags are publishing won’t similarly
initiate the same interest, publicly.
Plus, with the additional inclusion
of Harry and Meghan there is too
the very undoubted likelihood, of
these said media outlets literally
and clearly willingly, throwing in
yet again for very good measure
on their part, and to also ensure
the desired, obviously expected,
and actually instinctively known
response, from the white, racist
Karens; undoubtedly obviously
actually, likeminded Gammons
rather thoroughly, sycophantic
serfs and quite unquestionably
discernibly gullible, brain-dead
plebeians, what they’re clearly
rather puerilely, good at doing;
and simply as assuredly, in all
of this most crucially the Daily
Mail’s own evidently, clickbait
rating and revenue gathering!
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
19 May 2024.

Author's Remarks:
Basically eulogizing a man all of whose wealth was actually inherited and none of it effectively worked for! Discernibly another obscene example of privileged Britain. A man who didn't and still very clearly hasn't actually done a great deal of anything of great importance to truly bag a spot effectively as one of the UK's very richest persons, aside, that is, from actually sitting around, and undeniably waiting for daddy to die!

The real facade of a rather delusionally, enlightened Britain; but in essence very much still the distinctly unquestionably and deeply embedded feudal and really rather class entrenched society Britain has consistently, and asininely proudly so carries on being! Added to which the wilful propagation of hatred and racism is quite undoubtedly a lucrative financial blessing for the UK’s MSM!


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