Author's Remarks:
Conduct and universal general behaviour quite characteristic of and wholly epitomizing the utmost decadence of broken Britain and quite llkemindedly so the routine behavioural patterns of the American Deep South!
Not in the very least different from the quite obsessive and utterly delusional, incestuously inbred notion firmly and deeply ingrained itself, within Britain's purportedly monarchical and likewise other equally so, distinctly hereditary families, and has obviously, distinctly and rather literally been the case for generations; and which, consequently to all sentient and intelligent persons, but quite obviously not to this odious hereditary bunch and their undeniably evidently fawning and unquestionably categorically brownnosing, distinctly sycophantic acolytes, categorically in their individual and equally collective sick minds determine, and effectively generally likewise also, consolidates what they simply and essentially very passionately, but clearly pathetically, regard as treasured "royal" blood! Just how insanely can anyone get!
Amidst all this, and from my own very personal perspective, all such persons would both individually and collectively automatically and constructively simply become appropriate fuel, considering the human detritus that they distinctly and undoubtedly are, evidently for our power stations; no different essentially from their detrital kind serving that very same useful purpose, requisite to the same requirements, circa the 1930s and middle 1940s quite discernibly of Auschwitz, Dachau, Belsen Bergen and other such, rather discernibly, relevant and indubitably, commendable power utilities.
Meanwhile, and quite significantly so, from my own personal perspective, all those who're asininely castigating the respective local authority of this vilely odious threesome, of quite decadent reprobates, for taking them to court, are either seriously need their heads obviously examining or are actually themselves unquestionably, actually carbon copies of these undoubtedly intensely very immoral, lowlife scum; significantly, simply not really all that hard to correctly guess or accurately ascertain in Brexit Britain and equally quite significantly bastardized Britain; truly in which innumerable numbers of this country's lowlife scum aping the monarchy and hereditary, effectively basically distinctly breed each other incestuously or specifically obviously haven't the foggiest notion who their biological parents are!
The council acted because the matter became a benefits issue - just as to discerning minds it was always going to be as such individuals rarely work and quite vaingloriously but delightedly love being maintained ongoingly at the expense of the hardworking workers, who conscientiously pay their taxes. Inevitably, and simply not in the least bit surprising, this couple has split and now they're all of them, granddad and effectively the putative biological father are all claiming benefits as the "parents" of that child. And therefore, quite unsurprisingly from you caustic scum having a go at the council simply for sensibly going to court to get the requisite clarification naturally on this matter, you're up in arms because the action of this council, fearfully struck a raw nerve with yourselves! Hasn't it?
What discernibly odious scum you self-evidently are; actually allowed to procreate and accordingly infest the entirety of decent humanity with your puerile carnality!
#Lowlifes #Stupidity