
This Loving Entreaty To Me By My Maternal Grandmother

By Stanley Collymore
Go into the world with great confidence my grandson and
there seriously venture to make your personal mark but
continually doing so with well thought out reasoning,
forceful and unchallengeable logic and the utmost
commonsense unrelentingly intertwined with
reflective compassion, caring and explicit
appreciation of the truly deserving. And
never let arrogance, wanton pride nor
greed be regarded as needs in your
life or ever be acknowledged as
essential ingredients of any likely good fortune you may
eventually command, nor on the flip side of this and
regardless of however misleadingly persuasive it
might seem let the utterly deceitful disowning,
expedient, shameful, counterproductive and
disparaging overlooking of your familial
and cultural roots, your racial origin or
any amount of unanticipated or sudden
failures that you may encounter along the way essay
either voluntarily and calculatedly on your part on
the one hand, or by other de facto means on the
other conspire to venomously infect the very
heart of what from birth has intentionally
been your upbringing and in actuality
and most significantly too the very
essence of yourself my beloved
grandson as an indisputably
laudable, productive and
in those circumstances
a most commendable
and truly worthy
human being!
© Stanley V. Collymore
5 December 2015.


Author’s Remarks:
This poem and the motive behind writing it are very personal and additionally very important to me. And at this current Christmastide and while engagingly and reflectively remembering my own profound and enduring Christian upbringing and doing so with immeasurable thanks and gratitude to all those, and most especially my Grandmother, for all that they altruistically did to ensure my upbringing was a truly memorable and constructive one, I’d like to also take this opportunity to express my sincerest Christmas greetings and best wishes to the extremely wide Diaspora of the Collymore and Springer Families of which I’m an integral part.

Equally too to all my students, past and present, across Britain, in Barbados, Scandinavia and naturally of course Germany, and most appreciably those of you that regularly keep in touch and interestingly let me know how you’re doing in this big bad world that, most flatteringly you keep telling me, I helped to constructively and successfully help prepare you for. Thanks for the compliments!

Additionally to all my personal friends in every possible human category – and I don’t need to tell you what that is or how invaluable your treasured assistance, love, friendship and your committed support have been over the years as you know this perfectly well. As well to the many new correspondents and “literary geniuses” – no exaggeration at all here – whom I’ve encountered online through our joint writing site, You are beyond doubt an inspiration both in your literary creations and as human beings and I look forward very much to continue working and exchanging comments and objective literary analyses in 2016. In the meantime have a marvellous festive season all of you.

Finally, meine deutsche Partnerin who already knows how I feel about you as reciprocally you constantly and happily remind me how you feel about me; but hey while I’m justifiably praising everyone of value to me publicly, though private individuals you and me, it seemed remiss not to mention you as well and say in the process: “Dass ich Dich liebe und immer will!”

#Family #Life

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