Author's Remarks:
My personal congratulations to you, as you've passed your interview with flying colours as we very obviously knew that you would and only asked you in so you could crucially get a genuine feel of the place, as it were, before you essentially commenced your important career with us. To us, it's really quite irrelevant what you simply studied at university or what grades you got. What does matter to us is the school you went to; and you have quite literally hit the jackpot there! So a hearty welcome as you come aboard.
Facts: Most senior management staff of the NHS and other government and local authority quangos in the UK are in situ because of the public schools they literally went to, and not their academic qualifications nor least so undoubtedly their relevant experience, which is often zero. But what evident short falls which they do undeniably have are irrefutably and very comfortably made up through nepotism and cronyism.
There was obviously also a time, when local constituency political parties did select who they wanted to represent them in parliament if their chosen man or woman candidate effectively won in that election. Not so anymore, as these locals have no say these days and truly are basically nothing more than rubber stamps.
In come the public school wallahs, who work as interns for the existing MPs at Westminster and when the latter retires or is booted out these interns who are never local men or women and usually as well quite unknown to the average local party member, as that departed MP's replacement and the full support of the grifters at Party HQ!
#Classism #Cronyism #Greed #Hypocrisy #Nepotism #SelfEntitlement