Author's Remarks:
A most pernicious move and, equally so, an unconscionable process to then ensure that an outdated madness: the British monarchy, which cost billions of Pounds Sterling to so questionably sustain, and thoroughly likemindedly so odiously, self-servingly, purported elites that are usually social climbing to them, forever stay untouched.
While actually promoting elitism for the ilk, but alternatively, for others massive inequality and disadvantage with no concept of, or true concerns about morality and integrity; much less so Democracy and Meritocracy.
And all inimically safeguarded by a distinctly rotten system: consisting of nakedly sycophantic and greedy politicians, blatantly out of touch elitist judiciaries and, as well, a similarly mindset CPS and too a local magistracy, keenly buttressed by an evilly, mendaciously ultra rightwing, social climbing reinforcing and a risibly delusional, British MSM with absolutely no knowledge whatsoever of basic decency and morality, or any real regard for the truth!
#DelusionHatredStupidity #Denial