
The opaque stupidity of those who delusionally think that they’re the Master Race!

By Stanley Collymore
All of your pathetic, quite uncaring
relentlessly scaring and evidently
exploitative life, you’ve actually
so far quite indifferently and tiresomely
carried on as if no one else other than
your utterly selfish, very significantly
and indisputably actual narcissistic
self does effectively matter in this
world, other than those, who very
obviously you plainly, transiently
used, for your own devious and
effectively also, quite cynically,
social climbing and resolutely
hard-core, financial purposes.
Now crucially when factually
and plainly unexpectedly for
you, the tables have literally
turned, and significantly as
well you clearly deservedly
rather uncharacteristically,
do distinctly, find yourself
instead, now basically on
the very receiving end of
the precise things which
you’ve customarily; very
deviously and obviously
so unrelentingly, dished
out to others; you quite,
very literally and totally
disbelievingly to plainly
literal intelligent minds
very belligerently want
people: many of them
characteristically your
natural victims, rather
callously and patently
also, very cruelly iand
similarly, indifferently
used by you, to solely
not simply feel rather
sorry for you but also
likewise, significantly
as well, to voluntarily
also, unquestionably
really commendably,
automatically assist
you in your basically
self mired problems.
Such literally and incalculable
arrogance, and relevantly
too, a firmly ingrained
indifference on your part, coming as
it unquestionably and so noticeably
does, from a basically endemically
fully nurtured, and psychologically
tortured, intrinsically white, Karen.
By no means distinctively unique,
nowadays; essentially, in this the
21st Century and actually, solely
among the plethora of distinctly,
obvious and rather odious, baby
boomers: pre and similarly also
the coterie of post-menopausal
trollops clearly earnestly egged
on apace by their effectively so
likeminded, azoospermiac and
obviously, generally cuckolded,
male Gammons; as the crucial
lot of you rather fatuously and
effectively, clearly collectively,
pathetically and so noticeably
blatantly ridiculously, keep on
so repulsively, endeavouring
to prove the impossible. That
characteristically, discernibly,
significantly and so plausibly
self-evidently you essentially
aren’t part of a Master Race!
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
20 February 2023.

Author's Remarks:
What do azoospermiacs and white supremacists have in common? They both asininely, but utterly delusionally, believe in conjunction with their with their clapped out and invariably sterile female old hags that they’ve cleverly created something important and indispensable in their like image, and which crucially and most resoundingly benefits not just themselves but likewise the rest of what they egotistically and dismissively categorize as the inferior elements of supposed Homo sapiens; but a lunatic premise which self-evidently to intelligent and informed minds they most definitely haven’t. Any more than azoospermiacs can biologically sire children or sterile hags can conceive them.


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