
The KKK Windsors and like-minded serfs can’t stand their gloss being shattered!

By Stanley Collymore
Self-serving, excruciatingly boring
as hell and quite dimwitted Kate
Middleton and William Windsor
obviously, routinely surreptitiously
cynically unquestionably hatefully
and blatantly delightedly, briefed
rather aggressively and distinctly
also, repeatedly against Meghan
and Harry and furthermore very
avidly and fervently encouraged
as well as evilly authorized their
known clearly likeminded racist
staffers to actually do the same
in relation to the Daily Mail and
other discernibly unmistakably,
rightwing MSM; and not simply
rather predictably British ones
but evidently characteristically
also, Australian and American.
Effectively so because each of
these actual, aforementioned
racist cretins, and undeniably
so Kate and William, patently
unmistakably and arrogantly
also conceitedly delusionally
but undoubtedly obsessively
rather hatefully, instinctively
regard, Harry and Meghan’s
natural and most endearing
affinity with each other and
realistically so unattainable
to their quite boring selves;
an ominous threat to them.
For one will clearly either have
to be an absolute, braindead
brownnoser or basically an
inured, intellectually challenged
social climber not to essentially
intelligently recognize, the very
crucial difference, which exists
between this literally Stepford
wife, and unquestionably also
this effective broodmare Kate
Middleton; her, transparently
successfully, stalked and also
ultimately, visibly secured on
the rebound unquestionably
conspicuously, naturally dull
and essentially not so bright
but obviously quite wealthy,
crucially privileged and also
a husband William Windsor.
However, that there’s absolutely
no natural chemistry, unlike as
is so evidently abundant with
Meghan and Harry, aptly between
the pair of them. And distinctively
the very faked PR and discernibly
always liberally solely enforcedly
contrived, undeniably for public
consumption posturing by Kate
and William; very discernibly to
all thinking, intelligent persons
that laughably and despisingly
quite understandably sensibly
dismiss these ludicrous antics
of Kate and William as clearly
mindbogglingly, excruciating!
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
5 December 2022.

Author's Remarks:
Literally multiple millions acquired in inherited wealth and no worries whatsoever about realistically ever having to honourably pay, just like everyone else, any inheritance tax. This pair and rather overwhelming so the majority of this Saxe Coburg Gothe Mountbatten Windsor Klan, to which they actually incestuously and dysfunctionally clearly belong, are thoroughly undeniably a total waste of oxygen!

Significantly too, there's irrefutably distinctively nothing actually of any real interest about Kate Middleton, except those distinctly, ridiculously expensive clothes vainly combined with the jewellery that she crucially vaingloriously wears but effectively hasn't paid for! Unquestionably so, emphatically basically demarcating the Stepford wife, and similarly too the literally, manifestly broodmare that Kate Middleton undeniably is; perceptibly and routinely a clothes horse, with noticeably too as much personality as one!

Buckingham Palace gave these two quite obviously useless idiot - Kate and William - a distinctly cherished cause, which these evilly conniving Palace morons perfectly well knew was unquestionably the passion of Harry and Meghan. Made obscene in its generality by the duo William and Kate because neither of these two rather self-centred, privileged and inured racist morons have an original thought between them, as they're creatures we literally read from scripts; and like the puppets that they undoubtedly are haven't a clue, about what they're actually supposed to be generally about or realistically doing!

Fundamentally from a quite logical and intelligent perspective it never appears to take that much to truly impress Daily Mail commenters or its surfeit of utterly brownnosing and vile, sycophantic monarchical serf trolls. And quite self-evidently and also sickeningly mindboggling all that these toxic clowns basically need to see and know is, that their very entrenched medieval mindset Saxe-Coburg-Gothe-Mountbatten-Windsor rulers can essentially walk upright and wave; and literally that is sufficient for them! Unbelievably so when awfully kitted out in lousy green and looking rather decidedly like a pathetic runner bean!

Harry Windsor in my estimation is to be hugely and likewise proudly commended for the unambiguous stance he has courageously taken in quitting the absolutely far from honourable or moral monarchical Saxe-Coburg-Gothe-Mountbatten-Windsor family, with its traditional and still ongoing litany of dastardly immoral, criminal and murderous atrocities that for myriad centuries it has routinely carried out. A quite commendable move essentially on Harry's part that reminds me quite vividly of the following.

The fictional but nevertheless very moral stance, of PC Rob Walker in the enduringly quite popular, 60s era British television series we all know as Heartbeat, where PC Bob Walker indubitably from a criminal family exited himself morally from it and instead rather conscionably became a policeman. Then, in real life, there was John Newton, who's actually the author of the universal and deeply lauded hymn, Amazing Grace. Distinctly prior to this, John Newton was undeniably an ardent and also actively, odiously effective and likewise wealthy Transatlantic Slave Trader, but actually sickened eventually by what he literally saw and did himself, John Newton quit the barbaric slave trade voluntarily became an ordained C of E priest, and wrote in the process the hymn he will always be associated with.

A fully committed Christian myself, and have been so from birth when I was distinctively christened in the Anglican faith, I clearly understand and likewise hugely applaud Harry Windsor's evident awakening from the nefarious environment that he was quite literally born into and for most of his life, ignorantly resided in until his resounding and clearly purposeful awakening.

An awakening self-evidently rather deeply inspired by his lovingly and committed relationship obviously, as well as his marriage to Meghan Markle a thoroughly well-educated and likewise an indomitably clearly unapologetically basically mentally liberated African American woman who induced a situation very much akin in Harry's case to Saul's rather phenomenally, life transformation on the road, during that legendary journey of his to Damascus to thus become the clear archetypal figure of genuine Christianity attendantly so with the multiplicity of sacrifices in the wake of the courageous and noble stance which he'd obviously personally taken!

And so, it irrefutably is with Harry! To which I rather proudly and also commendably, most earnestly add "Thank you Harry, for the distinctly and discernibly noble stance which you obviously, fully in conjunction with your committedly supportive and clearly reciprocally loving wife Meghan have jointly taken!" Aptly, God forever Bless you both and of course your dearly beloved and as well adorable and prized children, Archie and his junior sister Diana. Total and enduring respect!


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