
The incomparable Liz Windsor– Nazi-Europe liberator; and the VC holder awarded to herself! Lol!

By Stanley Collymore
The Daily Mail in its customary
quite fatuously monarchical
sycophancy and rampant
lying stupidity very obviously, is getting rather
desperate for some much needed relevancy!
Quite obviously, Liz Windsor wasn’t any kind
of World War II heroine, nor actually for that
matter, a genuinely enlisted, or conscripted
British service woman by any means. What
Liz did however, was effectively a few days
ancillary “work” literally towards the end of
World War II before crucially heading back
always, at the end of her stint, to wherever
it was, that she and the rest of her familial
lot had basically been evidently hiding out
throughout those truly critical, campaigns
of that 1939-1945 war. Obviously, nothing
more and undoubtedly much less so than
other crucially, ordinary women who were
specifically, genuinely military volunteers!
And therefore, to liken Liz to similar
post-war, female service women
from a reciprocal hierarchical
background who were irrefutably bona fide
enlisted entrants in their actual respective
countries armed forces; and, furthermore
were not even British but unquestionably
foreign, is a thorough insult to every one
of these chivalrous ladies! But evidently,
as is the rather customary practice with
Britain’s obviously hierarchical and also
undoubtedly monarchical lot, still really
exemplified rather clearly, by the actual
likes quite unquestionably of Anne and
Kate Windsor for example, distinctively
undeniably, quite specifically, fatuously
actually wearing a wardrobe of military
uniforms replete with medals that they
indisputably actually didn’t earn is truly
obviously standard for these Windsors.
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
27 August 2024.

Author's Remarks:
Only children, or basically physically grown up individuals with a child's mindset, simply stay obstinate and defiant all the time!

#Greed #SelfEntitlement

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