
The hypocrisy and vile double standards regarding Emma Atkinson are sickeningly asphyxiating!

By Stanley Collymore
Found happiness with a convicted
burglar? Nice one Daily Mail! So
are all the other fathers of the
bastard sprogs, of serial unmarried mother
fully prepared to actually seriously step up
to the plate to care for and pay as well for
their bastard offspring? Truly, just asking
on behalf of the crucially, genuine British
taxpayers, not the usually loud mouthed
but utterly and discernibly quite fictional
ones, to any evidently, normal intelligent
person, other than their rather garrulous
and utterly braindead selves that simply
through the liberal auspices of the Daily
Mail rather repetitively, equally similarly
and clamorously too, as well as literally
boringly also; routinely go on about the
UK’s distinctive hard earned taxes, and
by assertion their quite commensurate
but in actuality their fake contributions
just as fucking-well, specifically bogus
and actually delusional as themselves
and everything else which they clearly
stand for, according to them, similarly
fraudulently going to all these savage
immigrants and by implication totally
unwanted non British occupants and
not the true blooded indigenous, and
unquestionably actually hardworking
subjects undoubtedly rather fictional
like themselves! A basically odiously
egregious assumption, that the Daily
Mail, its rather evidently racist hacks
and the MSM so sedulously support!
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
27 October 2024.

Author's Remarks:
An unmarried mother of 5 kids, clearly heavily pregnant with her sixth bairn, a heavy smoker and personally a forthcoming grandmother at 38 years old, through the courtesy specifically of her 17 year old daughter. Quite evidently so not actually a discernible, tax paying member of the community but quite evidently a rather significant, state benefits recipient. A modus operandi evidently passed off to her pregnant daughter, which effectively simply means that clearly this woman's offspring will obviously become the next generation of state benefits recipients, which all these hypocritically and equally maladjusted commenters on this rag, the Daily Mail, encouraged by that very same purportedly news comic, routinely lay at every opportunity they can malignantly devise at the door of everyone real or imaginary but clearly don't look like them, as scrounging, or grifting "immigrants", while wilfully refusing to really lambasting those who a truly are, because in reality they're their own kind, as well as clearly many both specifically and significantly within their own ranks. While Emma Atkinson's close association with a convicted burglar is rarely mentioned, and if it is, is treated as evidently highly insignificant!


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