Author's Remarks:
A visual slim down is not actual reality within the British monarchical family! Purely because the lot of them do and will still live the privileged high life that they've always had and are naturally too accustomed to behind closed doors! So consequently, all this rather speculative garbage is simply fake austerity!
My honest feeling - and has been quite unchangeable - is that one really needs to evidently, distinctly and very honestly work on genuine duties - and actually by this very remark I certainly mean clearly what ordinary Joe and Jane Public, who rather obviously have to effectively earn their own living, in essence, realistically, and routinely, do - if the Windsors quite honestly wish to carry on essentially, as it happens, get the perks they come by.
But to worry about their welfare is quite simply like rather asininely consoling a millionaire for having a miserly lost 5 from his pocket, assuming of course he actually Carrie's cash with him. As such I therefore don't believe that any simply logical and sensibly intelligent person in actuality worry about the Windsors in a distinctly financial manner, since rather financially they've actually significantly already over the decades and centuries specifically evidently cashed in from all these years, of utilizing their collective abilities to have so much for obviously doing so little!
And what you're unquestionably being disingenuously at best, and out rightly contemptuously and dishonest at its worst is the pretence by the Windsors and their flunkies that they're all really down to earth and very concerned as well by what's happening.
Can't really blame them for their clearly rank audacity, as they know full well and all intelligent folk do from the past and similarly ongoing how undoubtedly daft, sycophantic and evidently gullible significant numbers of the white and as well their Useful Idiots, non-white Brits, discernibly are!