Author’s Remarks:
This poem – The Blame Game – was inspired by and is specifically written for and dedicated to all the British, so-called Brexiteers – risibly and pathetically delusional as well as seasoned self-serving, convenient aspirants to which ever personally suitable direction they apparently think that the wind is blowing, and the customarily, narcissistic, bandwagon-hopping ones – who asininely deceive themselves that the permanently and rather thankfully defunct British Empire, dead as the Dodo and switching metaphors, is Jesus Christ like about to make a most dramatic, impressive and eternal resurrection and global comeback.
Well dream on and keep taking the pills – if the National Health Service (NHS) or the several doctor’s surgeries nationwide post-Brexit and the NHS’s inevitable privatisation will, without you first coughing up financially for them, let you have them.
What plainly psychologically credulous and easily manipulatively controlled Useful Idiot suckers and patent losers the certifiably, odious bunch of cretins you self-evidently are!