Author’s Remarks:
In the veritable class-obsessed cesspit that has long been an integral embodiment of all the four constituent parts of the United Kingdom: England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland, it’s a safe bet that this perverse, longstanding, ludicrous and utterly laughable state of affairs, were it not so bloody serious a matter, will indubitably last for several generations to come.
For personally I don’t see those who claim that they run the United Kingdom, albeit at the strict behest of Yidland and its AIPAC and other Yid lobbies noticeably in Rogue State USA, toadying Britain, most of the European Union and across the rest of mainland Europe along with their British cap-doffing to their alleged social betters contributors, ever changing their warped mind-set anytime soon.
Their problem not mine I must truthfully say. For as long as they don’t get in my way or my face with their bizarre and lunatic crap in which case I’ll respond most effectively with every resource that I can lay my hands on, then from my perspective they can do whatever the fuck they like. After all, they do kid themselves that they live in a democracy!
There is absolutely nothing wrong in either intelligently having or beneficially developing confidence in one’s self or one’s natural abilities, and if additionally, one altruistically does this as well for the good and betterment of others so much the better.
However, to asininely assume and then just as idiotically and likewise malevolently work on the puerile, offensive and thoroughly detrimental to others premise that because one was born through accidental, intentionally cuckolding, or even normal marital means and conventional circumstances into an opulently-based and socially advantaged situation, that any of these state of affairs on their own, and without any positive contribution in any shape or form subsequently on the part of the person who was born, automatically and permanently accords to that particular individual involved the inalienable right, as he or she sees fit, to gratuitously subject those that they assume, in tandem with their egocentric and hubristic airs and graces, are unquestionably inferior to themselves and therefore they have the unchallengeable right to condescendingly look down on them and, in this process, routinely despise them with abysmal contempt, and itself coupled with a perverse belief that they can also callously and uncaringly, like the earthly Gods and Goddesses that they consider themselves to be and as such have the inalienable right to lord it over those they innately consider to be their inferiors, isn’t only the height of idiocy but also in the most mind-boggling fashion absolutely beggars belief.
And questions whether such pathetic clowns - the Eton, Harrow, misnomer Cheltenham Ladies College, Oxford and Cambridge, the so-called Oxbridge universities types and the routine products of these socially parasitic and privileged buy one get the rest free perennial cesspits – and who pathetically wallow in their self-acclaimed but unwarranted status – ever heard of the term meritocracy?
Obviously not, it would seem! And if they have it clearly doesn’t register with this invidious scum. And the reason is simple! For they’re patently not as perceptive, clever, commandingly brilliant or superior as they would have you perceived Plebeians believe. So all the more fool you for falling for their execrable scam!