Von Stanley Collymore Echte Liebe kann manchmal sei so überwältigend, dass sehr bedauerlicherweise klappt nicht, und so leider ordnun…
By Stanley Collymore I know you want my body and I’m q… it to you! For in the current circ… to me to be the most desirable and… in the world for me to do, bearing…
By Stanley Collymore Recognition by your peers, workmat… members can be and very often is a… self-confidence, personal empowerm… the fulfillment of much cherished…
By Stanley Collymore You’re both of you entitled to you… opinions just as your critics are to theirs, but which obviously differ from yours. And very signif…
By Stanley Collymore Namibians who’ve languished quite appallingly in absolute barbaric servitude under Germany’s autocratic rule when this distinct…
By Stanley Collymore You’re so indispensable to all of… extent that if you didn’t actually… have been a most pressing need to… you. But thankfully you not only d…
By Stanley Collymore If you believe anything this Tory government says you’re very mad to do so; and should you otherwise alternatively believ…
By Stanley Collymore It’s high time for this expensive pantomime to end! Obviously so, discernibly quite relative to a very privileged bunch of taxp…
By Stanley Collymore It would certainly be lovely, but totally unexpected, if Kate Middleton started showing a talent; other than
Dear God! Will this nauseating obsequious drivel about the Daily Mail’s now favourite stick insect Kate Middleton ever… Rather truthfully, Kate’s most ob…
By Stanley Collymore Meghan you are decidedly a true inspiration not only to every, mentally liberated member of the British public but
By Stanley Collymore The Mail online routinely promote… these Windsor poster kids clearly for eugenic purposes, doing so with both practised and ardent con…
By Stanley Collymore There are those who with the fast… year 2017 will cheerfully or else… should celebrate its end and whate… if any of substance, that it did i…
By Stanley Collymore No child chooses to be born, let alone in that category of babies quite evilly termed as illegitimate, and both f…
By Stanley Collymore If you solely rely on an iPad to entertain and also keep your child quiet, honestly, in my opinion, you’ve failed quite miser…