
Sore loser and K.K.K Kraut, Donald Drumpf– the wannabe dictator of the United States of America!

By Stanley Collymore
My intense thoughts and
their attendant prayers
go out to Herr Donald
Drumpf: aka Trump
who has been forced against
his innate will to interrupt
his daily golfing duties to
go to Remembrance Day,
but what both he, and
his abhorrent coterie
of truly dependable
arselickers always
dismiss, as Losers
and Suckers Day.
Herr Donald Drumpf’s
rather brave gesture
of him personally
taking time out from his
essential undertakings
to crucially improve
his quite important
golf handicap will
most certainly be
remembered by
identical mind–
set lowlifes in
America, UK,
Saudi Arabia, New
Zealand, Canada,
Israel, Australia,
Russia and the
Ukraine; and
proudly too
Nazi Brazil.
And vilely
as a true
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
11 November 2020.

Author's Remarks:
You're not only an utter and rather reprehensible disgrace to the United States of America and your ancestral homeland of Germany, Herr Donald Drumpf, but also to the whole world and the entire species of humanity to which, thankfully, you only vaguely belong.

A cowardly bully and a mendacious Loser!

Sie sind nicht nur eine voellige und ziemlich verwerfliche Schande fuer die Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika und Ihre angestammte Heimat Deutschland, Herr Donald Drumpf, sondern auch fuer die gesamte Spezies der Menschheit, zu der Sie zum Glueck nur vage gehoren.

Ein feiger Tyrann und ein verlogener Verlierer!

#DelusionHatredStupidity #Denial

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