
So-called English culture and its adverse consequences!

By Stanley Collymore
Quite recently not only the entirety
of the United Kingdom but the
world at large has actually
seen the salient aspects of what the lowlife
scum who irrefutably actually infest Britain
and, more so,  simply distinctively England,
like to rather asininely evidently declare as
English and equally also exaggeratedly as
British culture; itself basically exemplified
most graphically in their literally cowardly
quite mindless and pathetically pointless
rioting! Sadly, and also pertinently a clear
example, these toxic morons believe and
classify, as their culture! Quite the actual
obvious same culture, discernibly, that is
a principal reason, for the evident surfeit
of no tourist signs rather fervently going
up in the multiple Mediterranean resorts
usually invaded by these Brit, peasantry!
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
19 August 2024.

Author's Remarks:
When you have people of low IQ very evidently shagging each other, and rather distinctively, irresponsibly producing more of their bastard kind that very unquestionably clearly haven't a solitary clue of who they actually are what can intelligent persons realistically expect

Consequently, the culture they asininely brag about is one they were actually born into and subsequently then formulate throughout their clearly pathetically useless and generally unproductive lives!

Moreover, I find it funny when these sorts of white Brits, similarly in tandem with their non-white Useful Idiots, quite obviously comment in rags like the Daily Mail, thinking in the vile process of doing so that they have something actually important to say, when invariably it's the same crass nonsense as always and very usually literally, clearly from multiple accounts of their own. Evidently, simply laughably so as they don’t really know anything truly of worth, specifically so about politics, hard work, self-evidently personal hygiene or effectively good body odour. Since many of them clearly bathe only about once a fortnight, and even less so!

Hygiene and significantly actually white Brits of this calibre don't synonymously go hand in hand!


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