
Right-wing extremist lunatic claims Joe Biden isn’t fit to be President. Lol!

By Stanley Collymore
A Republican congressman
Doesn’t want a Democrat
President to continue
In office. Now there’s a surprise,
Not! Malpractice: undeniably as
Per my unquestionably, erudite
Comprehension of that obvious
And distinct concept effectively
With every distinctively logical
Sensible, intelligent and surely
A fair irrefutable etymological
Interpretation of it is allowing
A twice impeached, traitorous,
Obese and undeniably looking
Like death warmed up; aptly a
Vilely, notoriously narcissistic
Cum legally convicted, sexual
Molester ex-President; to run
Unbelievably for office again.
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
4 June 2023.

Author's Remarks:
Why are those who with most needing to be put right in their very own rather pathetic, often usually criminal, sexual abusing, lowlife gammon, racist Karen and as well so intellectually challenged existences always without fail the very ones who undoubtedly think that they indubitably have an inalienable right to arbitrarily interfere in and similarly determine and run the lives of others, and without their consent. And usually as well people they don't know, haven't met, as in the obviously distinct case of Meghan Markle and, furthermore, are highly unlikely ever to?

Difficult I know, being so intellectually challenged as you undoubtedly are and too stupid to recognize or accept your own stupidity, and being the attention seeking junkies you are and likewise paid by those who callously and also self-servingly use you it'll be a rather difficult assignment to contemplate let alone embark on. But surely living the lives you exist in must be quite so and likewise ongoingly debilitating. Quite similar to having rampant incontinence I imagine. And I know what that is and how inconvenient it can be, having once trained and worked as a nurse in the British National health Service (NHS).

So why not seek a positive alternative to the sick lives you lead? Alternatively of course you could top yourself as no one would really miss you, as there are so many of you, a surfeit to be precise and not that indistinct from the surfeit of vermin that infest rancid sewer pits! Listening evil and odiously vile Meghan McCain? Quite preferably though, how about joining daddy?


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